Things You'll Need
- 10-gallon or larger fish tank with UVB light
- Pebbles
- Large, smooth rocks
- Clay plant pot
- Pieces of bark
- Aquatic plants
- Aquarium heater or heat mat
Place large smooth rocks in one half of the tank to build a land area about two-thirds up the tank. Place pieces of bark, a clay plant pot on its side and live moss on the rocks to provide hiding places and moisture.
Use a couple of inches of pebbles, not gravel, as a substrate in the other half of the tank.
Fill the tank about two-thirds full of water, leaving the land area exposed.
Add aquatic plants to the water side of the tank. Check with the supplier to ensure the plants are safe for amphibians and have been grown without chemicals. Toads have a permeable skin that toxins from natural or artificial sources can easily penetrate. Leave the tank for a few days to settle before you acquire your toads.