How to Get a Frog to Grow Faster

So you want to raise a nice, big frog and you want to accomplish this quickly? Perhaps you plan to enter this critter in a fair or some other competition and you want to grow a prize-winning specimen. By selecting the right species and with the proper care and feeding, you can raise of competition-worthy specimen right in your own home.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Dechlorinating drops
  • Gravel
  • Rocks and sticks
  • Lettuce and spinach
  • Crickets and termites
  • Pinky mice
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  1. How to Get a Frog to Grow Faster

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      Procure an American bullfrog tadpole, for this is the largest species in the United States. Create a healthy environment for your tadpole. Procure a good-sized aquarium for it. Position the aquarium in an area that is at least partially shaded. Dechlorinate enough water to create a shallow area in which it can swim. Be certain to thoroughly dechlorinate the water because chlorine is toxic to tadpoles. Put a layer of gravel on the bottom of the tank. Add some larger rocks and sticks that will protrude from the water. Pour in the water, making sure to leave areas where the tadpole can climb out of the water.

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      A bullfrog

      Freeze some lettuce and spinach; the frozen and partially defrosted greens will be softened and easier for the tadpole to eat. Finely chop the greens and keep a Ziploc baggie of the greens in the freezer. Give your tadpole a pinch every few days. Avoid overfeeding as it will just make their water get dirty faster than normal. Keep the water as clean as you can by removing about one-third of it and replacing it with fresh, dechlorinated water whenever it looks dirty. Clean water this way every three to four days, or as needed.

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      Raise your tadpole in late spring or in early summer for quicker growth and metamorphosis. Find small insects to feed your tadpole. Consider raising crickets so you have a ready supply of food for your emerging frog. Feed your baby bullfrog crickets and termites; termites are loaded with fat and will speed the baby's growth. Purchase pinky mice from your local pet store to feed the baby bullfrog when it is large enough to manage them.

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      Continue feeding your bullfrog this nourishing diet, and before long you should have a champion. Procure another tadpole; frogs are social creatures and prefer the company of other frogs. Raise the new tadpole separately from the frog, and do not introduce it into the frog's habitat until it matures into a frog. Enjoy your little pets.