How to Create a Living Environment for a Bullfrog Froglet in an Aquarium

The Amphibian website recommends bullfrogs for amateur amphibian keepers, as they are easy to care for. You can create a suitable living environment for a bullfrog froglet using an aquarium. The term froglet refers to a baby frog which has lost its tadpole features, including the tail and gills. According to, the bullfrog is a large species, measuring between four to six inches when fully grown. Species of bullfrogs are native to the United States, Canada and Africa. These all have similar environmental needs, although the American bullfrog has a life expectancy of five years, whereas the African bullfrog can live up to 40 years.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Heat lamp
  • Dechlorinated water
  • Spray bottle
  • Tray
  • Soil
  • Branches
  • Rocks
  • Flowerpot
  • Artificial plants
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    • 1

      Purchase a 20- to 30-gallon aquarium in which to house your bullfrog froglet. An aquarium of this size ensures adequate living space for the frog when it reaches adult size. Ensure that the aquarium has a secure lid to prevent your pet from escaping, as bullfrogs can jump long distances. Maintain a temperature of between 77 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit by using a heat lamp or heated mat if necessary. Lightly mist the inside of the aquarium with dechlorinated water in a spray bottle once a day to maintain the humidity in the environment.

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      Place a tray into the enclosure. This should cover 50 percent of the aquarium floor. Fill the tray with just enough dechlorinated or bottled water for the froglet to sit in with its head above water. The Amphibian website strongly recommends replacing the water on a daily basis, as a frog is likely to use this as a toilet. While the frog is still small, place a rock or branch at the edge of the tray to ensure that the froglet is able to climb out of the water. Fill the other side of the aquarium floor with a fertilizer-free soil, which allows the frog to dig and submerge itself.

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      Provide several items for the frog to hide under, such as a small flowerpot positioned on its side, a branch and a rock. Bullfrogs like to dig and will often uproot plants in the environment, so place several artificial plants in the aquarium instead of real ones. According to, you should always ensure that any object you are placing in the frog's habitat is sterile. This is because any toxin could soak into the frog's skin. Place each item in boiling water for 30 minutes to sterilize it.