Toads have warty skin. Toads have drier, warty skin, and frogs have wetter, slimy skin that is smooth.
Frogs use their powerful legs to jump. Frogs have long back legs and jump, while toads have shorter legs and walk. Toads have poison glands behind their eyes called parotids. Frogs have teeth in their top jaws, but toads have no teeth at all. A frog's eyes bulge more than a toad's.
Frogs and toads lay their eggs in water. Although both frogs and toads lay their eggs in the water, the frog lays its eggs in clusters and the toad lays its eggs in chains.
Toads can live in dry environments. Toads can live in drier areas than frogs. Frogs must have moisture and usually live near water. In cold climates, frogs will burrow under the mud and hibernate during the winter.
Frogs and toads use their long, sticky tongue to catch their prey. Both animals catch insects with their tongue. Frogs will eat small fish and worms, and toads will sometimes eat small animals.
Toad Vs. Frog
Toad and frogs are both amphibians that hatch from eggs. They spend part of their life in the water as tadpoles, breathing with gills. Then they develop lungs and live on land. Both are vertebrates, meaning they have backbones.