How to Care for an Albino Frog

Albino frogs are interesting creatures that are no different from their colored siblings except in appearance. They need the same conditions and diet and behave in the same way. African clawed frogs are the most commonly sold albino frogs and are completely aquatic.

Things You'll Need

  • 10-gallon tank
  • Small gravel
  • Rock
  • Filter system
  • Frog food
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      Buy an appropriate tank. Albino frogs should be housed in a tank that can hold 10 gallons. Be sure that you have left plenty of space at the top of the tank to make it easy for the frogs to surface and breathe. Generally, the water level should be about 1 foot deep to ensure that they have enough room to swim around and explore. If you plan to have more than a few frogs, adjust your tank size accordingly. Like all animals, frogs do not like to be crowded and will be unhappy and aggressive if they do not have enough space. The tank must have a secure cover. The frogs, who are curious and like to jump around, will get out if given the opportunity. They cannot survive for very long outside water, so keep the frogs in the tank. Water temperature should be around 75 degrees. The frogs prefer warm, calm water. You also need a filtration system to keep the tank from getting too messy. A castle, rock or other place for the frog to hide is also a good idea. Finally, cover the bottom of the tank with gravel. Not only does the gravel give the frogs a more natural environment, but they also like to play with it. Get the smallest gravel that you can find. The frogs may swallow it, and smaller pieces are more easily passed through their systems.

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      Feed them a proper diet. African clawed frogs will eat anything and everything and spend much of their time looking for food. They will examine everything in the tank repeatedly to see if it is edible. Fish flakes are not sufficient for them, but they will eat pellets designed for frogs and turtles. You may also give your frog fish, such as guppies or brine shrimp. Some owners prefer insects or worms. Talk to your local pet store owner about the diet of the frog you are purchasing. Cost may be a factor here, so you may want to stick with pellets for everyday use and save feeder fish and the like for special treats. As with fish, you must take care not to overfeed. These frogs will not stop when they are full. Give them no more than what they can eat in 15 minutes.

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      Accommodate their growth. Frogs that start out as small as a dime can grow to 5 inches long. It is usually preferable to keep the frogs in a tank of their own, but if you want to include fish in their tank, be sure that they are large enough that a full-grown frog cannot fit one in his mouth. Even the smaller, younger frogs may maul fish swimming around the tank. Some owners have reported that their frogs have survived for decades. Be aware that your little friend may need you for many years to come and be sure you can make this kind of commitment before purchasing the frog.