How to Take Care of a Frog From a Creek or Pond

Frogs typically make great pets, although they do require some research and work. There are many species of frogs, each with their own special needs. If you happen to obtain a frog that originally came from a pond or creek, the frog should do quite well, as long as its requirements are met. Frogs typically adapt well to new situations and when taken care of properly, can live very long lives. In order to care for your new frog, follow a few tips.

Things You'll Need

  • Tub pond
  • Water
  • Bugs and worms
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      Create a pond for your frog, if possible. Tub ponds are often effective to use, as you just place them in the dirt in your yard. Fill whatever vessel you desire to use as your tub pond---pots, old tubs and basins typically make good choices---about halfway with dirt and a bit of gravel, then pour the water inside until it reaches the top. Plant lilies and other water plants, such as dwarf cattails or dwarf papyrus, in the dirt, then let your frog explore its new habitat.

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      Construct a terrarium for your frog. There are a few different types of terrariums and each suit a different frog's different needs. For instance, a terrestrial tank set-up, in which the frog spends all of its time above water, works well for frogs that prefer dryer climates. There are other types of tank habitats, including those that feature half water and half land, long branches for frogs that spend their time high up in trees and aquatic tanks for frogs that spend all their time in the water.

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      Feed your frog the appropriate food. According to, frogs eat bugs and worms. Visit your local pet store for foods that are beneficial for your type of frog, or try to collect bugs from your backyard.