If you only have one or two red belly frogs, you can use a 10-gallon aquarium, but if you̵7;ve got more than that, you̵7;d want to go with a 20-gallon. The tank needs to have a secure wire mesh screen.
Use a fluorescent light that gives off both UV-A and UV-B rays, simulating the same kind of lighting they would receive outdoors. Go with low-wattage--usually a 25-watt.
Maintain the temperature of the red belly frog̵7;s habitat between 70 and 75 degrees F.
The tank should be about 75 percent water, and 25 percent land. Make sure that there are lots of plants in the water, since red belly frogs like to have hiding spots.
Set up a filter to remove the waste from the water portion of the tank. Any filter that will clean a 10-gallon aquarium will suffice.
Your red belly frog should be fed waxworms, mealworms and crickets, which can be released in the tank.
What Does a Red Belly Frog Habitat Need?
The red belly frog (also known as the fire belly toad) is both hardy and colorful, making it ideal for both beginner and advanced reptile owners. It requires only the most basic of care.