How to Care for a Pacman Frog

A Pacman Frog, also known as an Argentine Horned Frog, is not your typical pet. This frog will grow to a whopping 6 inches because it eats just about everything in its path, hence the name. Pacman frogs are not recommended for first-time frog owners. They are relatively boring to watch and have been known to administer a nasty bite.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Florescent Light
  • Gravel Rocks
  • Thermometer
  • Water
  • Plastic Plant(optional)
  • Latex Gloves
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      Set up your aquarium. Put a small layer of gravel rocks in the bottom. Add just enough water to cover the frog about a quarter to half way up the frog's body. The ideal temperature for the pacman frog is 74-85 degrees. A standard amphibian or reptile light is sufficient. A plastic plant can be added, the pacman frog likes to hide in the plant.

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      Feed your pacman frog on a regular basis. When it comes to feeding, never feed the pacman frog anything that is more than half of the frog's size. For optimal growth, feed mice pinkies to froglets, hoppers for adolescent to young adult frogs. For mature frogs feed adult mice. Feed one or two every ten to fourteen days depending on the size of the mouse and frog. Pacman frogs also eat crickets.

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      Clean the aquarium after the frog has eaten. They urinate and defecate about one week after eating. Clean water is crucial. Pacman frogs don't drink water, they absorb it through their skin. When cleaning the aquarium, always remove the frog with caution, they bite. You should wear gloves when handling the frog to remove to clean the aquarium. Tap water is best. Do not use distilled or purified water, it will burn the frog's skin.

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      Do not put other frogs in the tank. The pacman frog cannot co-exist with any other frogs. They are cannibalistic in nature and will eat whatever is in the aquarium, even their own kind. The only other time another pacman frog should be in the aquarium is when they are to mate. Then the other frog needs to be removed immediately.