How to Construct a Tree Frog Terrarium

With supplies found easily at the hardware store, you can create a natural terrarium environment and keep your tree frog content. Get creative and experiment with water plants, colorful rocks, and wood chips to create a terrarium that can serve as a decorative focal point in any room.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass aquarium
  • Six PVC spacers, cut two inches tall
  • Egg crate
  • Driftwood or sticks
  • Two PVC spacers, four inches tall
  • Screen
  • Pond liner
  • Water pump
  • Stones
  • Moss
  • Substrate
  • Pebbles
  • Spritzing water bottle
  • Wire aquarium lid
  • Fluorescent strip lights
  • Potted plants
  • Stones or trinkets
  • Water plants
  • 2 shallow ceramic dishes
  • Crickets
  • Mealworms
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  1. Create the Basic Terrarium Surroundings

    • 1

      Get a glass aquarium for your tree frog terrarium. Aim for a 10 to 15 gallon aquarium to comfortably fit your frogs and allow them to explore.

    • 2

      Place six spacers on the bottom of your terrarium at even intervals, such as PVC piping cut into sections about two inches tall. This allows for the water to circulate in the tank and provide a moist environment for your frogs.

    • 3

      Cut a piece of egg crate to fit the dimensions of the bottom of your terrarium. You can find egg crate in your hardware store.

    • 4

      Arrange the main features of your terrarium, such as driftwood and sticks. You'll want several pieces of wood grouped together to allow your tree frog to climb.

    • 5

      Create a waterfall by first placing two more PVC spacers in the cage, this time about four inches tall.

    • 6

      Add a square sheet on top of the PVC spacers and a screen sheet of the same size, and then top these with one more PVC spacer.

    • 7

      Cover the spacers and screen with a sheet of pond liner, which you can fashion into a waterfall shape with a depression below for a small pool.

    • 8

      Place your pump below the egg crate reservoir and check the water circulation.

    • 9

      Add stones to your terrarium near the waterfall and sticks to create a pleasing environment for your tree frog.

    • 10

      Plant moss around the pool and waterfall.

    • 11

      Set your substrate in the terrarium. Your substrate, essentially the floor of the tree frog terrarium's environment, should be coco husk chips and charcoal.

    • 12

      Top off the substrate with pebbles.

    • 13

      Spritz your terrarium with a water bottle once a day to maintain appropriate moisture levels.

    • 14

      Cover your terrarium with its wire lid.

    • 15

      Install a fluorescent aquarium light strip on the lid.

    Decorate the Terrarium

    • 16

      Consider small potted plants in your terrarium. They are easier to care for when they can be lifted in and out, watered, and allowed to drain before putting them back into the terrarium.

    • 17

      Collect interesting stones and trinkets and add them at specific focal points in the terrarium, such as on the top of the waterfall.

    • 18

      Add water plants to your pool, such as water lettuce. It can be purchased at a pet shop with a good garden supply section.

    Add Food to Your Frog Terrarium

    • 19

      Fill a shallow water dish with water and place it in the tree frog's terrarium.

    • 20

      Take two mealworms and place in a shallow ceramic dish.

    • 21

      Add two or three medium-sized crickets to the cage every other day. This amount is intended for one to two frogs.

    • 22

      Close the top of your tree frog's terrarium tightly.