How to Feed a Frog in an Aquarium

You just got a new frog and are wondering how to feed this new member of your family. If you got your frog from a pet store or other pet dealer, you may have gone home with a care sheet that spells out what to feed your frog, how to feed them and how much to feed them. But if you've just found a frog in your backyard you may be wondering what to feed them as they live in your aquarium.


  1. Terrestrial (Land) Frog

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      Remember, frogs will eat just about any moving bug, though crickets are probably the most popular. You should be able to buy crickets at a pet store. If your frog is very small, try baby crickets or even aphids from your garden.

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      Give your frog as many bugs as they will eat in one session. Some frogs only eat a couple times a week, while some frogs need to eat every day. Start with only a few insects and then gradually increase until your frog stops eating the bugs in their aquarium. If you constantly see bugs crawling around your frog's aquarium, you're overfeeding it.

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      Coat the bugs with a calcium and vitamin supplement. This will ensure that your frog gets appropriate levels of needed nutrients. Speak to your vet or a pet store for more information about this.

    Aquatic (Underwater) Frog

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      Give your aquatic frog bloodworms, earthworms, brine shrimp and feeder fish. You can find these at your pet store. Simply put the food into the water and wait for it to disappear.

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      Check on the food supply after 15 minutes. Food in an aquatic frog's aquarium should disappear in about ten to fifteen minutes. If it doesn't, you're overfeeding your frogs.

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      Feed aquatic frogs every two or three days.

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      Add a calcium and vitamin supplement to keep your frog healthy.