Treefrogs Habitat

Two species of North American tree frogs are commonly kept as pets. These frogs occupy slightly different natural habitats, and terrariums can simulate the best features of either.
  1. Hyla Cinerea

    • The green tree frog occurs throughout the American southeast and as far west as Texas. Greens prefer vegetation in or near the water and often blend in with tall grasses to escape predators.

    Hyla Versicolor

    • Gray tree frogs reproduce in small bodies of water--including man-made pools. More arboreal than the greens, grays change color to match the appearance of deciduous tree bark.


    • Both species need a small dish of clean water and vegetation for climbing and concealment. Green tree frogs like to rest on the stems of plants on the water's edge, while grays would prefer a tree branch and a drier but still humid environment.


    • Absorbent bedding such as coconut fiber or paper towels should cover the bottom of the terrarium and be changed when needed. Screened covers prevent these frogs and their food from escaping.


    • Ideal daytime temperatures peak at 80 degrees F. The minimum at night is 65 degrees F. Tree frogs are nocturnal but can tolerate a low wattage light bulb for heat in cold weather.