How to Keep Tadpoles

Keeping tadpoles as pets gives you the opportunity to watch them grow into frogs or toads. Keeping tadpoles is relatively easy and requires minimal effort. The only drawback of keeping tadpoles is that they will eventually grow into toads or frogs.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium Lettuce or cabbage Non-chlorinated water
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      Get tadpoles from fish hatcheries or fish farms. These places will often give the tadpoles away because they eat the baby fish. Remember that the more tadpoles you have, the more frogs or toads you will have, so make sure you have enough room for them once they develop.

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      Fill an aquarium or similar container halfway with non-chlorinated water. Any traces of chlorine can kill tadpoles. If you are using tap water, let the water stand for at least a week in direct sunlight.

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      Put your tadpoles in the water-filled container. Make sure that the container is covered for shade. Replace dirty water on a regular basis, and never let the tadpoles linger in dirty water too long.

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      Feed your tadpoles boiled cabbage or lettuce. Boil cabbage or lettuce for about 10 minutes, then drain it. Chop it up and freeze it so it keeps longer. Feed the tadpoles a pinch of lettuce or cabbage every few days. Don't put too much food in the water, as it will make the water dirty quicker.

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      Install a perch of some sort for the tadpoles to use once they begin to develop legs. Branches or water lily leaves work well, as do stones.

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      Feed the tadpoles small insects once they begin developing legs. The won't be big enough to eat crickets, at this point, but the lettuce or cabbage will no longer be sufficient for them. Live bloodworms are a good source of nutrition for them at this stage.