How to Create a Habitat for a Toad

Toads are an easy pet to keep for a while. A toad is an amphibian and it needs clean water and solid ground. A fish tank, or large glass container, can be converted into a toad habitat with a few simple items. A toad should not be kept indoors during the winter, but for a few seasons you can enjoy having an amphibian friend in your home.


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      Clean the aquarium with warm water but don't use soap. Rinse the aquarium very carefully if it has been used for keeping fish. Allow the aquarium to dry before finishing the toad's habitat.

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      Use clean substrate to cover the bottom of the toad habitat. Use some shredded coconut husks, bark or other materials available at the local pet store. Do not use outdoor soil as it contains bacteria, fungus and other possible parasites.

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      Use a shallow dish for water. Toads are not aquatic, but they do need water to stay healthy. The water should be kept clean and fresh. It is possible for toads to drown so don't use a dish that is too deep.

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      Build a hideout for your toad. A bowl or crockery can be used to make a cave. The bottom of the hideout should be kept moist and free of any sharp objects, as the toad's skin is vulnerable to abrasions.

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      Moisten the toad's habitat daily. The humidity level has to be high for a toad to be healthy and comfortable. Use a spray bottle or sprinkle water over the top of the habitat.

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      Feed the toad small crickets each week. Place some sticks and non-toxic plants in the toad's habitat which will give the crickets something to climb and provide the toad some exercise as he tries to catch his dinner.