Things You'll Need
- Tadpoles
- 1 gallon aquarium
- 5 to 10 gallon aquarium
- Screen cover for aquarium
- Aquarium gravel
- Logs or other decorations
- Dechlorinator
- Bloodworms
- Brine shrimp
- Water fleas
- Crickets or other live insects
- Water
Prepare the tank for the tadpoles. Fill the one gallon aquarium with water, leaving a one inch space at the top, and add the dechlorinator. Place a few decorations in the tank. Let the water sit at room temperature for a day before adding the tadpoles. Add the tadpoles.
Feed your tadpoles brine shrimp, and water fleas. Feed the tadpoles daily. If the water gets cloudy too quickly, feed smaller amounts of food, but do not skip feedings.
Change a quarter of the water in the small tank each week. This adds oxygen to the water but keeps the helpful organisms in the habitat.
Stop feeding your tadpoles when the front arms appear. The tadpoles will gain their nutrients from the tail as it reabsorbs. When the tail is only about a quarter of its regular length, begin feeding again.
Prepare the second habitat. Use the larger aquarium as the home for your froglets. Put aquarium gravel on the bottom and fill it partially full of dechlorinated water. Place decorations in the aquarium so the froglets have somewhere to hide.
Add the cover and inspect it carefully to make sure that there are no holes in it, as frogs like to escape their habitats.
Add the froglets to their new home with the water in their existing habitat. Be sure that there is a couple of inches of space at the top of the habitat, as grown frogs breathe air with lungs. Feed them bloodworms until they are large enough to eat crickets or larger water insects. Continue with the one-quarter water changes each week.
Provide your frog with an area in the aquarium where it can get out of the water. Some species like to spend a little time on dry land. This could be a floating log or other aquarium decoration that sticks up out of the water.
Sit back and watch your frog grow!