Things You Can Feed an Albino Frog

African clawed frogs are aquatic creatures that are easy to look after. Albino frogs will share aquariums with other fish and frogs of same or larger size, but they are carnivorous predators. Because of their scavenger nature, they will eat any creature smaller in size than they are. Some frogs go through a fasting period where they refuse to eat for a few weeks. These frogs also tend to eat less during the winter when their metabolism slows down. To meet these frog's nutritional needs, mature frogs should have as much variety in their diet as possible.
  1. Pellets

    • Pellets are a staple of an Albino frog's diet. Albino frogs should eat specific pellet food designed for frogs to meet their nutritional needs. Some examples of pellets for Albino frogs are Reptomin and HBH frog and tadpole bites. In the first year of their life, an African frog's food should be primarily pellets. After their first year they can eat larger amounts of other foods.

    Fresh Food

    • In the wild, Albino frogs will eat living, dead or dying arthropods, so they enjoy live prey. You can feed your albino frog earth worms, crickets, guppies, wax worms, beefheart and insects. Beefheart is very fatty and can cause heart issues if your frog has too much of it, so reserve this for an occasional treat.

    Frozen Food

    • Some types of frog food stays good longer when freeze-dried or frozen. Bloodworms, glassworms, brine shrimp, krill, and silverslides are all examples of appropriate frozen food for a albino frog. Brine shrimp should be thawed in a cup of water before serving to your frog but you can offer them blood worms straight from the freezer.

    Freeze-Dried Food

    • Freeze-dried foods include krill, tubifex worms, fammarus, and bloodworms are all nutritionally sound treats for an albino frog. Because albino frogs are so voracious they tend to eat whatever is put in front of them, but some owners notice their frogs prefer frozen food to freeze.