What Do You Need for a Pet Leopard Frog?

Leopard frog is the common name for several species of North American frogs from the genus Rana. The northern leopard frog, or Rana pipiens, and the southern leopard frog, or Rana spenocephala, are the most common leopard frogs kept as pets. According to the website Grizzly Run, leopard frogs are a suitable choice for beginning pet owners.
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    • Leopard frogs should be kept in a 10- to 20-gallon tank with a tight-fitting screen lid. Frogs need both land and water. One way to give them both is with a deep water dish such as a food storage container or small cat litter tray. Another way is by dividing the aquarium in half with a piece of plexiglass or plastic held in place by aquarium-grade sealant. One side should filled with dirt while the other side should be filled with water. Stacked rocks or a half-submerged log will help the frog climb out of the water.


    • The dirt must be covered with at least 2 or 3 inches of substrate. The substrate for a leopard frog aquarium can include a combination of peat moss, soil, commercial reptile bark, dampened sphagnum moss and shredded unbleached paper towels. The substrate should be kept free of gravel and artificial turf that can damage the frog's skin. Driftwood, artificial plants, smooth rocks and bark will provide the frog with shelter and hiding places.

    Water and Weekly Maintenance

    • The aquarium requires chlorine-free water such as bottled water or or tap water that's been treated with a product that removes chlorine. A water filter isn't necessary but at least half the water should be changed twice a week. The tank should be cleaned at least once a week. The entire tank should be scrubbed out with a 3 percent bleach solution and thoroughly rinsed until it no longer smells like bleach. The substrate should be removed and replaced with fresh material.


    • Young leopard frogs should be fed once a day. Mature frogs can be fed every other day. Most of the leopard frog's diet should consist of crickets, but they can also eat meal-worms, wax-worms, silkworms, cockroaches and earthworms. Prey animals should be fed a nutritious diet before being fed to the frog. Prey should be dusted with a vitamin supplement once or twice a week and a calcium supplement once a day. Pet frogs should only receive commercial prey from a pet store. Wild insects may carry deadly pesticides or diseases.

    Other Supplies

    • Leopard frogs thrive at temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. A thermometer will help keep track of the temperature while an aquarium heater will help maintain it. On cold days, a low-wattage lamp can help create a temporary warm spot in the corner of the aquarium. However, leopard frogs will hide from lighting that is too bright. They also require 10 to 14 hours of darkness at night. A humidity gauge will help maintain the proper level of moisture in the aquarium. A book about frogs will keep the owner informed about their frog.