Recommended Plants for a Frog Vivarium

Live plants in frog tanks help keep algae at bay, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide and ammonia. Before adding recommended plants to a frog vivarium, make sure they're free from harsh chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers. To avoid making your frogs sick, wash new plants thoroughly, re-pot them in neutral soil and grow them in a chemical-free environment for at least six weeks.
  1. House Plants

    • Many inexpensive leafy green and flowering house plants suit frog vivaruims well. Bear in mind your choices need to survive in low-light and high-humidity conditions. Cast iron plants, also known as aspidistras, are supremely tough, easy-care plants. They're tolerant of low light, a range of temperatures and seem to thrive on neglect. Keep an eye out for variegated aspidistras with white stripes on leaves for added decorating interest. African violets love the humidity of frog vivariums. They require well drained soil to thrive. These plants add bright splashes of color with their pink, purple, blue-violet or even white blooms.


    • Rabbit foot and maidenhair ferns add delicate leafy green accents to your frog's vivarium. Rabbit foot is also known as hare's or squirrel's foot, or more properly as Davallia fejeensis. This plant needs good drainage, likes low-light conditions and occasionally produces offshoots. These "babies" are especially welcome, since they won't need to be cleaned of chemicals before you plant them in your vivarium. Maidenhair ferns, or Adiantum, have fine-fronded leaves that repel water. Plants require humidity, tolerate low light and cannot be placed in direct sunlight.


    • Vines such as creeping fig and pothos offer good coverage for back walls or rocks and spread readily in a frog vivarium. Creeping fig, or Ficus pumilus, is an easy-care, fast-growing bright green vine. Trim it frequently, since the plant will take over the entire vivarium if left to grow unchecked. Golden pothos, or Epipremnum aureum, is another easy-care house plant with variegated green and white heart-shaped leaves. It's easy to multiply pothos plants -- just place stem cuttings in well drained soil.


    • Bamboo is an inexpensive green plant for decorating frog vivariums. It's also readily available from local gardening centers. Bamboo needs good lighting and humidity. It adapts well to either warm or cool frog vivariums. Plants spread rapidly but are controllable if grown in small pots. Any additional lighting for bamboo must be installed safely. If it's too near plants or rocks where frogs like to sit, there's a risk of scorching them both.