What are the similarities between toad and a frog?

Similarities between Toads and Frogs

- Body structure: Both toads and frogs have smooth, moist skin; no tail when adults; limbs for hopping; and bulging eyes.

- Habitat: Both inhabit damp areas such as ponds, streams, and forests though toad prefer terrestrial environments.

- Diet: They are both carnivorous and eat insects, small animals, and worms.

- Life Cycle: Both go through a metamorphosis life cycle, starting as tadpoles in the water, then growing legs and moving onto land as adults.

- Reproduction: Both lay eggs in water, which hatch into tadpoles that eventually transform into adults.

- Hibernation: Both hibernate during cold weather in burrows, under logs, or in deep water.

- Respiration: They both can respire through their lungs and skin

- Communication: They both use their calls to communicate with each other.

- Distribution: Toads and frogs are found all over the world except for Antarctica.