What do termites eat in a tropical savanna?

In a tropical savanna, termites consume various plant materials, including:

1. Grasses: Termites are primarily graminivores, meaning that they feed on grasses. The tropical savanna is characterized by a significant amount of grass cover, providing an abundant food source for termites. They feed on different grass species, including tough and fibrous grasses that other herbivores may avoid.

2. Leaves: Termites are also known to feed on leaves of trees and shrubs in the savanna. They may climb up vegetation or collect fallen leaves on the ground to consume them. Some termite species specialize in feeding on specific plant species, while others are more generalist in their diet.

3. Bark: In some cases, termites may feed on the bark of trees and shrubs. They scrape the bark to access the inner layers that are rich in nutrients, especially during the dry season when other food sources are scarce.

4. Wood: Termites are also capable of consuming wood. In the savanna, they may infest dead or decaying trees and logs to obtain cellulose and other nutrients. Some termite species construct mounds made of soil, saliva, and chewed plant matter, which they use as nests and also as a source of food.

Termite feeding behavior can significantly impact the savanna ecosystem. They break down plant material and recycle nutrients back into the soil, contributing to the overall soil fertility. Their activity also influences vegetation dynamics, as they can shape the plant community by preferentially feeding on certain species. Additionally, termite mounds can modify soil structure and create microhabitats that support diverse flora and fauna.