About Albino Leopard Geckos

Albino leopard geckos are nocturnal geckos with an average lifespan of about 20 years. Unlike other geckos, leopard geckos have eyelids and lack the clinging toe pads that would enable them to climb vertical surfaces. Albino leopard geckos differ from other leopard geckos in that their skin does not contain the pigment melanin.
  1. Appearance

    • Albino leopard geckos typically measure six to nine inches in length. Their skin--which does not have the black markings found on other leopard geckos--is pale in color.


    • The diet of albino leopard geckos consists of mealworms, wax worms and crickets that have been recently fed. While adults only eat every other day, young albino leopard geckos must eat every day.


    • Captive albino leopard geckos require a tank that is 10 to 20 gallons in size. Their tank should contain a moss-filled hide box for skin shedding as well as logs or plants that they can hide in.


    • Albino leopard geckos need between 10 and 12 hours of light each day. They also require temperatures of 78 to 88 degrees and a humidity level of at least 50 percent.


    • Albino leopard geckos typically have a gentle temperament. However, although they are relatively easy to tame, excessive handling may put unnecessary stress on the animal.