What Do Leopard Geckos Eat?

Feeding on live bugs is a way of life for leopard geckos. This colorful reptile enjoys feasting on a variety of small worms, crickets and water drops. Keeping a leopard gecko healthy in a captive environment requires extra nutritional supplements.
    • Geckos eat a variety of worms and crickets.


    • Feed crickets as one of the main foods to a leopard gecko. Use commercially grown live or freeze-dried crickets that have been gut loaded with extra nutrition.


    • Munching on mealworms is the second main food for leopard geckos. Place the worms in a shallow bowl to avoid losing them in the gecko's substrate.

    Wax Worms

    • Coveted by leopard geckos, wax worms are soft, plump and full of fat. Feed these worms to the gecko sparingly as a treat to keep him from getting overweight.


    • Add calcium powder to a sack of crickets. Shake the bag to coat the crickets, and add extra nutrition to the leopard gecko's diet. Development of strong bones relies on calcium supplements.


    • Licking water drops from smooth surfaces, such as leaves and rocks, provides a leopard gecko with much needed hydration. Use a shallow water bowl full of plum-sized rocks and water to avoid a drowning hazard.