Facts About the African Fat-Tailed Gecko Habitat for Kids

The African fat-tailed gecko is nocturnal, so it will be more active at nighttime than during the day. These geckos are calmer than other geckos and are usually content to rest on your hand or arm. Some interesting facts about African fat-tailed geckos are that they can move their eyelids and are able to change colors to blend in with their environment.
  1. Natural Habitat

    • The African fat-tailed gecko is found in nature in West Africa. They are considered to be tropical geckos and can change colors to blend into their environments. They usually make their homes in woodland areas and rocky hillsides. They tend to live on the ground, rather then climb trees. n their natural habitat, African fat-tailed geckos will hunt for insects and can move quite fast in order to catch them.


    • African fat-tailed geckos should be kept in glass tanks. They can be covered with a screen because this type of gecko cannot climb glass. The tank needs to be big enough so that the gecko has enough room to move around. The African fat-tailed gecko should not be housed with other types of reptiles. Females of this species can live in the same tank but males cannot.

    Temperature and Humidity

    • The African fat-tailed gecko is used to a warm environment so this must be created artificially. The temperature in the tank should be between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit which can be created by radiant heating or a ceramic heater. As these geckos are used to a tropical environment, they also need a high level of humidity. The tank should be sprayed with water to achieve this; the accumulated moisture is what the gecko will drink.

    Lighting and Habitat

    • The tank should be lighted with a fluorescent light for 10 to 12 hours a day. The tank should be filled with branches and non-toxic plants. The branches should be thick enough so that the gecko can climb them and the plants should provide hiding areas for the gecko, along with places for moisture to accumulate. You must be careful with what you line the tank with, as geckos will tend to eat this.