Can Viper Geckos Eat Fruit?

The viper gecko, or Hemidactylus imbricatus (formerly known as Teratolepsis fasciata), is a small white-and-brown nocturnal lizard originally from Pakistan. The geckos eat small bugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  1. Viper Gecko Diet

    • The viper gecko lives on insects and worms. Crickets can make up the main part of the gecko's diet, but they also like locusts, waxworms, spiders, mealworms, dubia roach nymphs and grasshoppers.


    • Fruit is not part of the viper gecko's natural diet and should not form part of their feeding regime, unless it has been pre-eaten by a tasty bug.

    Secondhand Fruit

    • A viper gecko can get nutrients from fruit through the content of the guts of the insects it eats. The insects eat the plant matter, and the gecko can then metabolize the digestive contents. The Lizard Wizard advises feeding the insects green vegetables and noncitrus fruit the day before the gecko dines on them.