Calcium Deficiency
Calcium deficiency causes loss of bone density, which can cause stunted growth, making geckos more prone to bone breaks. Signs of calcium deficiency are tremors, weakness and bent or swollen limbs. A lack of calcium in their diet can lead to several metabolic bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, rickets and hyperparathyroidism. When calcium levels in the blood become too low to allow muscles to function properly, the gecko's body will draw calcium from its own bones thus leaving the bones weak and subject to breakage and disease.
The native climate for a gecko is a hot and arid desert. Cool temperatures can cause mouth and respiratory infections. Providing the gecko with a warm, dry and clean environment can prevent these types of infections. Skin infections are caused by scrapes and the occasional bite from a cricket. Treat skin injuries with iodine. Geckos tend to lose their tails on occasion. If this occurs, apply an antibiotic ointment to the stump during the re-growth process to prevent infection. Never pick a gecko up by its tail.
Parasitic infections, such as roundworm, pinworm, hookworm and mites, are the result of a depressed immune system. The immune system can become depressed due to stress or an underlying health issue. Parasites are always present in small numbers but will multiply rapidly under the right conditions. Rapid multiplication of parasites can lead to anorexia, diarrhea and severe weight loss.
Geckos, like many reptiles, shed their skin. The shedding process is called molting. When the natural habitat for a gecko is too dry it cannot molt properly. Improper molting can cause a loss of toes and injuries to the eyes. When you notice that your gecko is molting, mist it with water daily. It is also a good idea to always keep a bowl of water in their home to provide a small amount of humidity all year round.
Impaction is intestinal blockage by any material that cannot be digested or passed. This can be caused by eating sand due to a lack of calcium in the diet or by eating food too large for the gecko's digestive system to handle. Symptoms can include loss of appetite and weight loss.
Types of Gecko Diseases
Different gecko species, such as the leopard gecko and crested gecko, are commonly kept as pets. A common characteristic among all geckos is tail loss. When a gecko is scared or nervous, its tail can easily fall off but not to worry, it will grow back. All geckos need a balanced diet to remain healthy, which consists mainly of crickets and worms coated in calcium powder. All geckos need calcium. There are several diseases and other health problems that are common among all gecko species.