Food Options
One of the main things a gecko likes to eat is insects. These can include silkworms, meal worms, crickets and locusts. Crickets are one of the most readily available insects to purchase from your local pet store, and they provide a nutritious meal for your gecko.
A nice supplemental meal for your baby gecko can be vegetables and fruits. In the wild, geckos eat plant life as well as animal material. According to the Global Gecko Association (GGA), you can feed your gecko papaya, mango and fruit baby food.
Feeding the crickets an appropriate amount of nutrients so that those nutrients are passed on to the gecko is called "gut-loading." The GGA recommends that "all insects should be gut-loaded with fish flakes, greens and fruit or vegetables."
Feeding Times
It is best to feed your baby gecko every day. The meal size should be determined by what the gecko can eat in 15 minutes. Typically, this could amount to 2 to 10 crickets, depending on your gecko's appetite.
Wax worms should be used as only an occasional treat for your geckos, as they are fatty and could eventually cause health problems.
Drinking Times
Always keep fresh water available for your baby gecko. Replace the water daily. The container should be big enough for the gecko to drink from, but not so big that the gecko could take a bath in it. Use purified water for your baby gecko, or let tap water stand for 24 hours before giving it to your pet to allow added chlorine to evaporate.
Other Gecko Care Tips
Try to keep other pets away from the gecko. Maintain a stress-free environment for your gecko.
Pay close attention to living conditions, humidity, temperature and housing to keep your gecko in the best possible shape. Clean the cage every three days.
Hold your gecko often, but with care. The babies are small and fragile creatures.
What to Feed Baby Geckos
Geckos are reptiles that make great pets for adults and children alike. Before you bring a baby gecko home, you'll want to know what to feed it.