How to Make a Good Moorish Gecko Habitat

Moorish, or crocodile, geckos are strong animals that can live up to 10 years. They are nocturnal animals known for the ridge-shaped scales along their backs and tails. They can grow to about six or seven inches long and are hardy creatures, but they need special attention. Knowing how to create a suitable habitat is the first step in keeping your gecko happy and healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Terrarium
  • UV bulb or heat mat
  • Hideaway
  • Rocks, plants or branches
  • Water dish
  • Insects for food
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      Choose at least a 15-gallon terrarium for one gecko. An aquarium is another option.

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      Line the bottom of the terrarium with a few inches of clean, dry sand.

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      Give your gecko enough heat. They require a daily average temperature of 85 degrees and an average nighttime temperature of 75 degrees. Buy a UV bulb or heat mat and provide a rotation of 12-hour days and nights.

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      Give your gecko a place to bask, such as a long, flat rock. Geckos are rock and wall dwellers so make sure they have plenty of places that resemble their natural habitat.

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      Give your gecko at least one place to hide. You can buy hideaways at a pet store or you can make one out of a cardboard box or tube.

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      Provide plants and branches for your gecko to climb. Make sure the objects are secure in the cage, so your gecko won̵7;t fall and injure himself.

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      Give your gecko a shallow water dish that̵7;s large enough for him to soak in.

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      Give your gecko plenty of insects to eat, such as crickets, locusts, earthworms and mealworms. Feed him insects that are about half the size of his head. Vary his diet and dust insects with a good vitamin and mineral supplement available at pet stores.