What are all the children of Greek God Poseidon?

Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, had many children with different goddesses and mortals. Here is a list of his notable children:

With Amphitrite (his wife):

1. Triton: A merman who served as Poseidon's herald and messenger.

2. Rhodos: A nymph associated with the island of Rhodes.

With Medusa (the Gorgon):

1. Chrysaor: A hero and warrior who later fathered Geryon.

2. Pegasus: A winged horse that sprang from Medusa's blood when Perseus beheaded her.

With Thoosa (a sea nymph):

1. Polyphemus: A one-eyed giant and the most famous Cyclops.

2. Telemus: A prophet and seer.

With Gaea (the Earth goddess):

1. Antaeus: A powerful giant who gained strength by touching the earth.

2. Orion: A giant hunter who became a constellation after his death.

With Tyro (a mortal princess):

1. Pelias: A ruthless king of Iolcus.

2. Neleus: A wise king of Pylos.

With Alope (a mortal princess):

1. Hippothoon: A skilled horseman and leader of the Lapiths.

With Demeter (goddess of agriculture):

1. Arion: An immortal talking horse that could understand human speech.

With Canace (a mortal princess):

1. Triton (not to be confused with Triton, Poseidon's son with Amphitrite): A hero who participated in the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

With Euryale (a Gorgon):

1. Stheno: One of the three Gorgon sisters, known for her sharp fangs and venomous gaze.

With Libya (a mortal queen):

1. Belus: A king who founded the city of Carthage and became an ancestor of Dido.

With Iphimedia (a mortal woman):

1. Otus: A giant who, along with his brother Ephialtes, challenged the gods.

With Theophane (a mortal princess):

1. Chrysomallos: A ram with a golden fleece that was later sought by Jason and the Argonauts.

These are just some of the many children of Poseidon from various sources. The myths and legends surrounding these figures form a rich part of Greek mythology and have influenced art, literature, and culture throughout history.