How does a gerbil protect itself?

- Camouflage: Gerbils have fur colors that help them blend in with their surroundings, making them less visible to predators.

- Burrowing: Gerbils create extensive burrow systems that provide shelter and protection from predators and harsh weather conditions.

- Hind Leg Agility and Jumping: Gerbils are known for their impressive jumping abilities and agility. They can quickly jump away from danger or predators.

- Alarm Calls: Gerbils communicate through a variety of sounds, including high-pitched alarm calls. When a gerbil senses a threat, it may emit an alarm call to alert other gerbils in the area.

- Evasive Running: Gerbils can run quickly and change directions abruptly to avoid predators.

- Defensive Biting: If cornered or threatened, gerbils may bite as a defensive mechanism.

- Tail Dropping: Some gerbil species may drop their tails when grabbed or attacked by a predator. This allows the gerbil to escape while leaving the predator with the severed tail.