What kind of wood is harmful to gerbils?

It's best to avoid all wood for gerbils, as it can be harmful. Here's why:

* Chewing Hazards: Gerbils love to chew, and some woods can splinter or release harmful chemicals when chewed. This can lead to choking, cuts in the mouth, or even poisoning.

* Digestive Issues: Even if the wood doesn't splinter, it can still be difficult for gerbils to digest, leading to digestive upset and blockages.

* Wood Treatment: Many woods are treated with chemicals like pesticides or preservatives, which can be toxic to gerbils.

Safe Alternatives for Gerbils:

* Paper-based products: Cardboard tubes, shredded paper, and paper bedding are safe and readily available.

* Ceramic or metal: Choose these materials for food and water bowls, and toys.

* Natural materials: Safe options include untreated, kiln-dried branches of specific trees, like willow or apple. Always research thoroughly before offering any wood to your gerbil.

Remember: It's always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your gerbil's health. If you're unsure about a material, it's best to avoid it altogether.