How many gerbils are left in the world?

It's impossible to know exactly how many gerbils are left in the world. Here's why:

* Wild Gerbils: Gerbils are wild animals and their populations fluctuate constantly. They are found in various parts of the world, and their numbers can change due to factors like:

* Habitat loss: As human development encroaches on their natural habitats, gerbil populations decline.

* Predation: They are prey for various animals, influencing their numbers.

* Disease: Outbreaks of diseases can impact gerbil populations.

* Pet Gerbils: There is no global registry of pet gerbils, making it impossible to know how many are kept as pets.

Instead of focusing on an exact number, it's more important to consider the overall health and well-being of gerbil populations. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect wild gerbil populations and ensure their long-term survival.