Gerbil Care for Kids

Gerbils are small, active little animals that make a good first pet to help kids learn how to care for animals. Gerbils need careful care because of their small size, but are not to difficult to look after for a responsible youngster. They are easy to feed, clean up after and their active personalities make them fun to watch.
  1. Cage

    • Gerbils need a large cage that can be plastic, metal or glass, but has to be strong and secure so they can't escape. Kids must make sure to properly close the cage doors after they have been opened. A clean layer of wood shavings or shredded newspaper has to be used to cover the cage floor. Gerbils like to exercise, so they need things to climb on and hide in. A running wheel is also a nice thing to put in the cage.


    • Every day, any wet patches in the cage's bedding should be scooped out and replaced with new shavings or paper. Change all the bedding at least once a week and wash the cage and everything in it with warm soapy water. Young kids might want to get help from their parents with this. The gerbil usually keeps itself clean, just give it a small sandbox that it can roll around in. If it does get dirty, wipe it carefully with a damp washcloth.


    • To make the gerbil tame, it should be handled every day from when it is young. This makes it used to being held so it will not struggle or try to escape. They are small animals, so hold them carefully with a firm grip, but never squeeze, as this might hurt them. Walking around while holding a gerbil can be dangerous for it because if it is dropped or wriggles free, it might get hurt from the fall. It's best to stay seated when holding the gerbil to keep it safe.


    • The gerbil needs fresh, chlorine-free water in its bowl every day and should always have gerbil food in the cage at all times. Fruit and vegetables are allowed as a treat for the gerbils, but they should not eat too much because it upsets their stomachs. If they are given fruits or vegetables and they don't eat them within a day, remove them so they do not spoil. Gerbils should never eat chocolate or anything with caffeine or alcohol as these things will make it seriously ill.