When you use the last of a roll of paper towels or bath tissue, don't toss out the cardboard tube. Recycle it as a gerbil toy instead; your pet will thank you by running back and forth through the tube several times before finally settling down to chew the cardboard into little bits. Not to worry. Your gerbil is not actually eating the cardboard. It is simply shredding the cardboard into tiny pieces, which it can then use as bedding for its nest.
Running on exercise wheels is a way for your active gerbil to work off some of its excess energy. You can buy wheels designed just for gerbils or you can get crafty and modify a wire hamster wheel so that your pet does not get its tail stuck and possibly broken. Cover the outside of the wheel with cardboard or another chewable item and anchor it with masking tape. You can recover the wheel as needed once your pet chews the cardboard to bits.
Gerbils enjoy exploring holes and running in tunnels and there are plenty of ready-made log tunnels available just for this purpose. However, a crafty owner can create homemade gerbil tunnels by placing some PVC pipe in the gerbil cage or hollowing out untreated pieces of wood. Be sure the wood is unpainted and there are no sharp places on the lumber or PVC pipe that could injure your pet.
When crafting gerbil toys, be careful regarding what materials you use. Metal, for instance, often has sharp edges. Avoid plastic because it does not hold up well against a gerbil's gnawing habit; your pet could swallow small bits of it, leading to stomach irritation or even an internal blockage. On the other hand, cardboard and wood are safe and chewing on these materials can help wear down your gerbil's teeth.
Gerbil Toys Craft
Gerbils are active, curious and playful creatures. They love to run around and explore new things. If you have pet gerbils or plan to acquire some, it is important to ensure they have interesting toys with which to keep occupied. You don't need to break the bank though. You can craft your own gerbil toys out of items that are accessible or even lying around your house.