How to Set Up a Split Cage

A split cage is commonly used for acclimating two unfamiliar gerbils with one another before placing them together. Gerbils are territorial pets that are commonly aggressive to each other if they are not familiar. A split cage is simply a single cage or tank that is divided down the middle with a see through material, so each gerbil can see and smell the other without being able to harm one another.

Things You'll Need

  • Tank or cage
  • Stiff 1/4-inch hardware cloth
  • Wood shavings
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    • 1

      Measure your aquarium or cage from one corner to the corner farthest away.

    • 2

      Cut the hardware cloth to fit the cage or aquarium.

    • 3

      Place the hardware cloth in the cage or aquarium, ensuring it fits firmly. Gerbils often try to crawl around, over or under to get to and fight another gerbil.

    • 4

      Sprinkle wood shavings in the bottom of the split cage to help with the odor and mess.

    • 5

      Put your gerbils in the cage or aquarium, one on each side of the hardware cloth.

    • 6

      Watch them to see if your divider is working to keep them apart. Rotate the gerbils to the opposite side of the divider four times per day, every day.

    • 7

      Keep them separated for one week. Remove the divider and see if the gerbils get along. If they still fight, place the divider back in for another day or two.