How to Make a Gerbil Social

Gerbils are a naturally curious critter, making them an excellent choice for a child's first pet. They are social creatures that easily bond with humans after a level of trust is established. Taming a gerbil takes some time and patience but can lead to a lasting friendship.

Things You'll Need

  • Gerbil
  • Cage
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Establish a daily routine to greet your gerbil. Approach its cage making the same sound each day. Choose either a whistle to blow or a tune to sing. Doing so conditions the gerbil to your presence and eliminates startling the animal.

    • 2

      Put a gerbil treat in your hand and place your hand inside the gerbil's cage. Allow the gerbil to come to you to retrieve the treat.

    • 3

      Feed the gerbil by hand several times to establish routine. When trust is built, slowly bring your other hand into the cage to gently pet the gerbil behind its ears.

    • 4

      Allow the gerbil to explore your hand. Hold your hand still in the cage until the gerbil elects to move itself into your hand. Do not jerk your hand as the gerbil sniffs at you. Give the gerbil plenty of time to familiarize itself with your hand. Do not attempt to remove your gerbil from the cage in your hand until several sessions result in a successful and trusting bond.

    • 5

      Select a quite time in your home to bring the gerbil out of its cage. Sit or lie on the floor as you release the gerbil so that you are on the same eye level as the critter. Offer many treats to keep the gerbil's attention focused on you.