How Long for a Gerbil to Mature

Gerbils only live from two to four years, so they mature quickly in comparison to other mammals. A female gerbil can become pregnant when she is merely nine weeks old. Female gerbils produce up to 12 babies in a litter, although the average litter size is six. Unless you're breeding gerbils, males need to be neutered or kept separate from females to prevent unwanted babies.
  1. Significance

    • Gerbils in pet stores often live in mixed-sex cages or aquariums. Any females purchased from pet stores that do not separate the sexes of gerbils may be pregnant. Pregnant females do not show signs of pregnancy until a few days before they give birth, notes the American Gerbil Society. Any baby gerbils, called pups, should ideally be separated by sex after weaning between three and four weeks old. If the gerbil owner is unsure of what sex the tiny pups are, the American Gerbil Society notes that testicles in males descend when they are five to six weeks old.


    • The normal gestation time for gerbils is 24 to 26 days. However, female gerbils nursing one litter have gestations up to five full weeks. The eggs delay implanting themselves in the gerbil mother's womb until the female's body is producing less milk. For each pup nursed, there is at least a two-day delay in her giving birth to her next litter. If she is nursing 10 pups, then her next litter will be delayed by about 20 days.

    Expert Advice

    • Gerbils thrive when living in pairs or small groups, but mother gerbils mate immediately after giving birth. Although father gerbils take excellent care of their pups, males should be removed from the cage for two weeks on the gerbil mother's due date. Do not keep the pair separated for longer than two weeks or they may not recognize each other when they're reintroduced --- and they might fight. Keeping one of the female's daughters as a cage mate can also prevent any more unwanted litters.

    Old Age

    • Female gerbils become infertile when they reach 18 months old. However, males are fertile up to 24 months old. Gerbils 18 months or older possess weaker immune systems than younger gerbils, and are more prone to disease. Older gerbils often grow non-cancerous lumps and sleep more. Many older gerbils groom themselves less often, so they may appear scruffy.