Gerbil Cage Recommendations

Gerbils are social rodents that weigh between 2 and 4 ounces. It is important to the health and well-being of your pet to provide the proper size cage and to clean it correctly. Gerbils are available in many colors, including black, brown , gold, orange and cream; or you can find them with a combination of colors. Their tails end in a tuft and are covered with fur.
  1. Cage Size

    • Gerbils fare better if they have another gerbil as a companion. Therefore, a 10 gallon aquarium is the right size for one or two gerbils. Obtain two gerbils that are the same sex, unless you want to breed them. Gerbils can produce litters 10 times a year of up to eight pups each. A 15 gallon aquarium is best for three gerbils, 20 gallons for four and 30 gallons for six gerbils. Although wire cages are also available, they may be messier since gerbils enjoy rearranging their bedding. Plastic cages develop odors quickly and have poor ventilation. A mesh or wire lid is necessary to provide air circulation at the top of the cage and to keep your gerbil from escaping.

    Bedding and Nesting Materials for the Cage

    • Add proper bedding material to the cage. Whether it is plain, shredded paper without newsprint or a commercial gerbil bedding product, use enough that the cage is 1/3 full. Gerbils enjoy burying their food in the bedding and piling it up. Cedar or pine shavings may cause respiratory or liver problems; Therefore these are not recommended. Nesting material provides a safe place to sleep, find privacy or hide in a nesting box you can purchase at a pet store. Fill it with shredded, unscented white tissue paper.

    Cage Cleaning

    • Gerbil cages that are cleaned regularly have little odor. Replace the bedding every two or three weeks for a 10 gallon container that holds one or two gerbils. If you have more than two gerbils, the cage has an offensive smell or if water spills on the bedding, change it as needed -- to provide a clean, odor-free home for your pets.

    Cage Equipment

    • A water bottle is necessary for the gerbil cage, as well as a food supply. Hang the water bottle so it does not touch the bedding material. This causes it to drain out. Check the bottle every day and add fresh water when it is running low. Tap the nipple of the water bottle daily to ensure the water is flowing correctly -- this should result in a drop of water coming out. Use a commercial gerbil food to feed your pets. Either place the food in the center of the bedding or in a small, heavy ceramic dish. that prevents the pets from turning it over. Gerbils often hide and bury their food to protect it from other gerbils, but are quite adept at finding it again. Add small cardboard boxes or empty toilet paper rolls to the cage to provide exercise for the pets or purchase toys or wheels from a pet store.

    Cage Treats

    • Gerbils enjoy consuming plain cereals, like crisped rice or round oat cereals, but do not add sugar or marshmallow-coated cereals to the cage or those with artificial flavorings. Lettuce, apples and carrots are also healthy treats, but remove them from the cage after a few hours to prevent the food from being buried and rotting.