How to Give Baby Gerbils Milk

Baby gerbils, known as puppies, are largely dependent on their parents during the first weeks of their lives, but the adults can require support in caring for their young. Most gerbil litters can range from three to nine puppies, and larger litters can be taxing on mom. Feeding milk to baby gerbils can make the job easier for the mother gerbil, or replace her completely in situations where she is not able to feed the puppies herself.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Kitten formula
  • Syringe
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    • 1

      Wash your hands thoroughly prior to handling the gerbil puppies. Your goal here is to not only to maintain their health, but also to prevent leaving a scent on them that can agitate the mother.

    • 2

      Lay out a towel next to the gerbil cage. This will create a non-slip workspace where the pup can rest during the feeding.

    • 3

      Mix or prepare the kitten formula according to package instructions. Use warm water, but make sure that the finished product is just slightly warmer than ambient temperature. Make a little more than you actually need to account for spillage. Draw the first serving of formula into the syringe.

    • 4

      Remove a pup from the cage and place it gently on the towel in front of you. Gently place the tip of the syringe to the pup's mouth. The gerbil pup should naturally respond to the syringe tip in anticipation of the feeding.

    • 5

      Depress the syringe plunger slowly and carefully, allowing the gerbil to take milk at its own pace. Gently feel the belly of the gerbil for firmness to ensure it is getting enough milk. Feed the pup until it no longer seems interested in the formula.

    • 6

      Repeat the process for each additional pup. Multiple feedings may be necessary throughout the day depending on whether the mother is also feeding the pups. Check their bellies routinely with clean hands to determine fullness before preparing formula for each feeding.