How Are Hamsters & Gerbils Different?

Gerbils and hamsters are both small, omnivorous burrowing rodents. Their behavior, however, is in some ways very different. Gerbils are social animals and hamsters are solitary. Hamsters are mainly nocturnal, while gerbils are often active in the day. On first glance they both might look like slightly overgrown mice, but there are also plenty of striking physical differences between the two.


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      Look at the animal's face. Both gerbils and hamsters have blunt faces, but gerbils have larger, more noticeable eyes.

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      Look at the animal's tail. Gerbils have long furry tails while hamsters have short stubby ones.

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      Look at the shape of the animal. Gerbils look a little like miniature kangaroos, with hind legs much larger than the front legs

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      Observe what the animal does with food. Hamsters have cheek pouches, which they stuff with food to carry to their nests. Gerbils don't.