Sore Nose
Fixing a sore nose can be as easy as switching bedding or moving the gerbil to another type of enclosure. The most common problem in gerbils is a sore nose, often caused by an allergy to bedding, usually pine or cedar, but sometimes aspen, according to the American Gerbil Society. Switching to reclaimed wood pulp or corncob bedding can solve the problem. Your gerbil's sore nose also could be caused by rubbing cage wires, so moving him to an aquarium can be a solution.
Dental Issues
Gerbil teeth grow continuously, so it's important to give them things to gnaw, such as gerbil toys found at pet stores, or apple or cherry branches that have been in the freezer for 72 hours to kill bugs. Elderly gerbils don't chew as much and can have overgrown or missing teeth--both conditions require trimming by a veterinarian. After receiving instruction, some gerbil owners can perform future trims at home. A vet should be consulted about whether a softer diet now is needed.
Gerbils--usually elderly males--may develop a tumor of the scent gland, located beneath the bald patch on the abdomen. If the area has a small, hard lump or becomes red and enlarged, a vet can determine whether surgery is right for your pet. External tumors can create problems because gerbils scratch a lot, but those growths often can be removed.
Too many greens and vegetables in your gerbil's diet can cause diarrhea. Removing them from the diet can correct the condition quickly. However, diarrhea also can be a symptom of a highly contagious, deadly disease. If diet isn't a suspect or a gerbil isn't eating and drinking, a trip to the vet is necessary and antibiotics may be needed to treat other gerbils in the home.
Respiratory Illnesses
Young pups, elderly gerbils or gerbils under stress are susceptible to respiratory infections, which can be caused by viruses, bacteris or allergic reactions to bedding. The sick gerbil may stay hunched in a corner, make clicking noises and have a rumpled coat. If the situation doesn't resolve in a few days, or if the gerbil seems seriously ill, with diarrhea and a reluctance to eat or drink, a trip to the veterinarian is needed.
Other Illnesses
A gerbil may suffer a nasty wound if picked up by its tail or if the tail is caught in a cage or exercise wheel. In a few weeks, the injured tail may dry up and fall off. A trip to the vet probably isn't needed unless the wound becomes infected. Young gerbils may experience seizures when overexcited but usually recover when left alone. Older or weak gerbils that suffer strokes--usually characterized by paralysis on one side--may make a full recovery, if kept comfortable, with access to good food and fresh water. Gerbils also can become infested with mites, which can be treated with a mite-and-flea spray sold in pet stores.
Gerbil Health Care
Gerbils are generally healthy, hearty animals and rarely require medical attention. With good care, the frisky rodents can live three or four years, say the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Many common illnesses can be treated without a costly trip to the veterinarian.