Mating Gerbils

Owning and breeding animals can be an exciting way to view the workings of nature as well as a possible business venture. When breeding animals such as gerbils, there are some steps to keep in mind.

Things You'll Need

  • 10-gallon aquarium
  • Non-fibrous bedding (but not pine or cedar)
  • Water bottle
  • Food dish
  • Wire mesh divider
  • Chew toys
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      Select a breeding pair. Do not get both the male and female from the same breeder or pet store, as you want to make as sure as possible that they are not related. Look at their size, color and temperament to see if they are acceptable. If there is anything wrong with their limbs, eyes, breathing or eating habits, or if they seem like runts, you may not want to choose them to breed from as there may be something genetically wrong with them.

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      Once you have settled on a pair you will need to introduce them, which can be tricky if they are already adults or if there is a large difference in size. If they are more than two months old and if one is quite a bit smaller than the other, introduce them via a “split-cage” system, where they are housed in the same area but mesh or wire (small enough that they can’t fit through) separates them while they get to know one another.

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      Set up a place for the gerbils to breed. Do not house them with other gerbils, especially other females, as they will fight with each other over the males. Make their breeding area calm, quiet and comfortable, with few distractions and privacy from other animals or people. A 10-gallon tank with basic bedding (but not cedar or pine, as these can lead to respiratory problems) that does not include any kinds of fibers that could hurt the babies, a water bottle and food dish for the parents, and something for the adults to chew on so they can stay somewhat busy should form the breeding place. You should also include something nest-like, such as a small wooden or cardboard box, as this can help make the gerbils feel more secure.

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      Breed the gerbils. These animals become sexually mature as early as three months old, so it won’t take long for them to start mating even if you buy them as babies. Gerbil mating usually happens in the evening, and involves chasing, touching and checking each other’s undersides. When mating occurs it may appear very similar to other mammals when they mate, with the male mounting the female and copulation occurring. The whole mating process may take several hours to be completed.

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      Prepare for the birth of the babies. It normally takes a little less than a month for gerbil gestation to be completed. In that time it is best not to handle the pregnant female too much as it could cause harm to her young if you accidentally drop her or jostle her too roughly. Make sure she is receiving a high-protein diet and that she always has water available to her.

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      Witness the birth of the young. Though you should not handle or disturb the gerbil parents while the female is giving birth, you can watch her special birthing behaviors. The female will clean each baby and eat its placenta, then set it aside as she gives birth to the next one. Most gerbil litters contain three to six pups. Once she has finished with her entire litter, she and the male will mate again. You do not have to remove the male at any time as he will actually help take care of the young, once the female allows him to.