How to Buy a Gerbil Cage

When you decide to get a gerbil as a pet you need to provide your new friend with a nice home. There are several options when buying a cage for a gerbil. Commercially manufactured plastic and wire cages for gerbils are readily available. However, experienced gerbil owners usually recommend using an aquarium (fish tank) instead. Plastic cages on the market are usually too small and can tip over easily. In addition the gerbil may chew on the plastic and eventually ruin the cage. Wire cages are the least expensive but have disadvantages. Gerbils will kick bedding out of the cage and may be injured if a leg gets caught between wires. This guide explains how to choose and set up a tank as a cage for your gerbil.

Things You'll Need

  • Fish tank (aquarium) 10 gallon or larger
  • Tank lid
  • Water bottle
  • Food dish
  • Exercise wheel
  • Toys
  • Bedding
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  1. Find a Tank

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      Find a tank of sufficient size for your gerbil. A tank for a gerbil should provide at least a one by two feet floor area which means a 10 gallon tank. These are easier to clean than commercial gerbil cages and help in taming your gerbil because it can see out and will become used to seeing you. Tanks are also easier to clean than plastic gerbil cages.

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      Buy or make a lid for the tank. The lid should be made of wire mesh with one-fourth to one-half inch size mesh. Pet stores carry these lids for other animals often housed in tanks, such as lizards. If you prefer, you can make a lid by using wood for a frame made to fit the tank and covered with wire mesh stapled to the frame.

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      Furnish your gerbil tank. You will need a food dish and an exercise wheel. A water bottle with a hanger to attach it to the side of the tank can be bought at pet stores as well.

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      Add bedding for your gerbil. Aspen or corncob bedding is excellent or you can use commercial bedding such as Carefresh. Do not use pine or cedar shavings as these are toxic to gerbils.

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      Finish up your gerbil's new home with some toys. There are plenty on the market. However, one of the toys gerbils especially like is simply a cardboard tube like the kind toilet paper comes on.