What is a zibeth?

Zibeth may refer to several animals that produce strong-smelling substances:

1. Musk Deer: It can refer to various species of mammals known as musk deer or musk deer, especially the Asiatic musk deer (Moschus spp.). Musk deer are small deer-like creatures found in Asia whose males secrete aromatic substances, called musk, which they mark and are valued in perfumery.

2. Civets: Zibeth can also refer to certain species of civets, mainly African civets from the genus Civettictis. They produce musky and civetone materials in glands between their anus and tail, used in making scents and perfumes.

3. Zibet Cat: Another possibility is the Zibet cat or Malay Civet (Viverra tangalunga), found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Southern Thailand. This species of civet also secretes and produces valuable aromatic substances similar to civetone.

However, please note that usage differs, and the term "zibeth" may be applied to other closely related mammals from the civet or musk deer families that secrete strong scented substances.