What is a dark blue colubrid?

The dark blue colubrid, sometimes referred to as the blue beauty snake or the blue coral snake, is a species of colubrid snake found in the rainforests of Central and South America. Scientifically known as Ithycyphus azureus, it is characterized by its striking dark blue to indigo-colored body with alternating bands of black and white scales on the belly.

Ithycyphus azureus is a non-venomous species and is generally considered harmless to humans. It primarily feeds on small mammals, amphibians, and lizards, and is known for its ability to coil tightly and flatten its body when threatened.

The dark blue colubrid typically inhabits humid forest floors and can be found in countries including Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. It is a primarily nocturnal species, meaning it is most active during the night, and is often encountered near streams and rivers.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of the dark blue colubrid is its distinctive coloration, which serves as both a warning signal and camouflage in its natural environment. The bright blue coloration acts as an aposematic warning, indicating its non-toxic nature to potential predators.

Despite its striking appearance, Ithycyphus azureus is not commonly kept as a pet due to its specific care requirements and somewhat secretive behavior. It prefers a humid environment with ample hiding places and is generally observed in the wild rather than in captivity.