How fast do guppie fry grow?

The growth rate of guppy fry depends on several factors, including water temperature, food availability, and genetics. In general, fry hatched in warmer waters will grow faster than those in cooler waters. Fry that have access to a plentiful supply of food will also grow faster than those that do not. Finally, genetics also plays a role in growth rate, with some strains of guppies growing faster than others.

On average, guppy fry will reach a length of 1 cm within about 4 weeks of hatching. They will continue to grow at a rapid pace for the first few months, reaching a length of 2-3 cm within 8-12 weeks. After this point, their growth rate will slow down somewhat, but they will continue to grow slowly throughout their lifespan, reaching a maximum length of about 6 cm.