Why would a female guinea pig kill litter?

There are a few reasons why a female guinea pig might kill her litter:

* First-time mother: Young guinea pigs might not have the maternal instincts developed yet, and they might accidentally injure or kill their pups due to inexperience.

* Stress: A stressed guinea pig, whether from a new environment, overcrowding, or other factors, might become aggressive towards her young.

* Lack of nesting material: If the mother doesn't have enough soft material to build a nest, she might be more likely to accidentally harm the pups.

* Health problems: A sick or injured mother might be unable to care for her litter adequately.

* Age: Older guinea pigs might have difficulty caring for young due to declining health and energy levels.

* Genetics: Some guinea pig breeds are known to be more prone to infanticide.

* Predatory behavior: While uncommon, a guinea pig might view her pups as competitors for food or resources, especially in limited environments.

Important Considerations:

* Separation: It's crucial to separate the mother from the pups if you suspect she's showing signs of aggression or neglect.

* Vet checkup: If you have concerns about the mother's health or the well-being of the pups, consult a veterinarian.

* Supportive environment: Provide a safe and comfortable environment for the mother and pups with ample food, water, and nesting materials.

It's important to note that guinea pigs are social animals, and mothering instincts are usually strong. Infanticide is not a common occurrence, but it's essential to be aware of the potential causes and take steps to ensure the safety of both the mother and her litter.