To determine if a rabbit or guinea pig likes something, you'll need to observe their behavior and body language. Here are some signs they might like something:
* Flopping: This is a sign of relaxation and trust.
* Licking: They might lick their lips, nose, or your hand as a sign of affection.
* Binkying: A happy jump and twist in the air.
* Sniffing: Closely sniffing something indicates curiosity and interest.
* Grooming you: A rabbit might try to groom you by licking or nibbling your hair.
* Eating from your hand: They might eat treats or food offered from your hand.
Guinea Pigs:
* Chirping: A high-pitched sound that can indicate happiness.
* Wheeking: A squeaking sound often made when they are excited for food or attention.
* Popcorning: Similar to binkying, they jump and twist in the air.
* Rumbling: A low, guttural sound that can indicate contentment.
* Coming to you: They might run to you and rub their head against you.
* Eating treats from your hand: They might happily accept treats offered by hand.
Remember, every animal is an individual and has their own unique personality. Pay attention to your pet's individual cues to understand what they like and dislike.