How to Feed Guinea Pigs Vitamin C

Guinea pigs, like humans, are unable to produce their own vitamin C. For that reason, they need extra vitamin C in their diet to ensure they do not fall ill. Guinea pigs with low levels of vitamin C will be at risk for a number of illnesses, including respiratory ailments. Vitamin C can be provided through their pellet food, but because vitamin C deteriorates rapidly, it should also be provided with fresh fruits and vegetables and may also be supplemented with tablets.

Things You'll Need

  • Guinea pig Pellets Fresh vegetables and fruit Vitamin C tablets (if required)
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      Do not feed guinea pigs rabbit food -- only feed guinea pig pellets. This food is enriched with extra vitamin C.

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      Note that vitamin C in pellets will deteriorate, so do not rely on pellets alone to ensure adequate vitamin C.

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      Feed guinea pigs between a half-cup and a cup of fresh vegetables per day. Vegetables that are rich in vitamin C include red, green and colored peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, kale and parsley.

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      Give guinea pigs fruit rich in vitamin C a few times a week as a treat. Kiwi fruit and citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and loved by most guinea pigs.

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      Put vitamin C tablets into their food or water if you are concerned. Guinea pigs should be given 25 mg of vitamin C a day, which can be crushed and sprinkled over pellets or vegetables. There are also water supplements, which deteriorate rapidly and are difficult to monitor dosage.