How to Feed a Guinea Pig a Balanced Diet

A guinea pig, also known as a cavy, is a strict herbivore. This means it eats only grass, plants and products made from grass and plants. A cavy is not a fussy eater but does require a variety of foods to obtain vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Also, because a guinea pig does not store up food like many other rodents, it is necessary for it to eat frequently. A pet cavy should be fed every morning and night, in addition to having a constant supply of grass or hay on which to graze. A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and fiber is necessary to keep a pet guinea pig healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Grass hay
  • Fresh fruit
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Water
  • Heavy ceramic feeding dish
  • Elevated hay feeder
  • Guinea pig pellets
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      Provide the guinea pig with a constant supply of high quality grass hay, such as timothy hay. Cavies are grazers by nature and need a continuous supply of greens to nibble on throughout the day. Hay is the guinea pig's largest source of fiber and is necessary to keep the digestive system working well. Store the hay in an elevated hay feeder to keep the hay clean and dry. Any hay offered to the guinea pig should be fresh and pale green in color. Hay that is dark, yellow-hued or moldy will cause sickness.

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      Feed the cavy fresh guinea pig pellets every morning and keep them available at all times. Guinea pigs rarely overeat so it's not necessary to limit the pellet supply unless your pet is overweight. The average guinea pig only eats about one-eighth cup of pellets each day. Look for pellets that are timothy- or alfalfa-based and made with a stabilized form of vitamin C. Also, be sure to check expiration dates on pellets because the vitamin C will lose potency over time and stale pellets will not provide your guinea pig with enough nutrients.

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      Offer your guinea pig a handful of chopped vegetables every day. Much like a small salad provides important nutrients for a person, a varied array of vegetables gives the cavy the necessary vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy. Only feed the guinea pig fresh and clean vegetables and remove any uneaten remains from the cage within a few hours to prevent spoiling. Some vegetable favorites are cucumber, tomato, pepper (especially red), carrot, kale and romaine or green leaf lettuce. Feed the cavy only a very limited amount of gas-producing vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. They may cause uncomfortable bloating for your guinea pig.

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      Give the cavy a small portion of clean, fresh fruit each day. One or two slices of fruit is all the guinea pig needs. Be careful to remove any seeds or pits before feeding fruit to your guinea pig. Healthy fruit choices for a guinea pig include orange, melon, grapes, apple, berries, pineapple, kiwi and banana.

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      Make sure your guinea pig always has a fresh supply of cold water available. Provide the water in a drip bottle to prevent it from being spilled or contaminated.