How to Help a Pregnant Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs do not stay pregnant for very long, so if your pet guinea pig becomes pregnant, you will need to prepare for the birthing process.


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      Take your guinea pig to the vet as soon as you learn or suspect that she is pregnant. It is not a good idea for a guinea pig under 5 months old to get pregnant because she runs the risk of getting hurt more easily. Your vet can do a physical exam on your guinea pig and review her for any potential problems.

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      Remove the male from the cage and place him in another cage to stay until after the birth of the babies. A male guinea pig will put unwanted stress on the pregnant guinea pig and cause her to have problems with the pregnancy.

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      Make sure the pregnant guinea pig has plenty of healthy food and clean water. Everything she eats and drinks will help her babies to develop.

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      Clean the cage frequently during the pregnancy. A dirty cage increases the risk of illness. Provide plenty of fresh clean bedding or shavings because the pregnant guinea pig will build a nest for her babies.

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      Identify the labor. The female guinea pig will moan and cry when she is going into labor. When she is in labor, you should stay by her cage in case she needs help or has problems. Do not intervene or try to sooth your guinea pig. The labor will be short.

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      Do not bother the mother and babies. She will know what to do. She will nip the amniotic sac and lick the babies clean. However, she can only attend to one baby at a time, so if they arrive close together, you may need to help her. Otherwise, let her give birth on her own.