Think about the size of your guinea pig. Guinea pigs grow to be about a foot long and will need adequate space for play. The minimum recommended space for a single guinea pig is 2 x 2 x 2, but it should probably be bigger than that. The minimum size for a single guinea pig's cage is 7.5 square feet.
Do not use an aquarium as a cage since it doesn't provide adequate ventilation. An aquarium can let heat build up, making your guinea pig too hot. Ammonia from urine may also build up, poisoning your pet. In addition, old guinea pig urine may be difficult to clean up in an aquarium.
Make sure your pet's cage is out of direct sunlight and drafts. It should be in a well-ventilated space and placed in a room where you spend much of your time. Don't put the cage in a bathroom, unused bedroom, laundry room or garage. Guinea pigs are social and need company.
Check metal cages to make sure they don't have any sharp edges that can hurt your pet. Metal cages will rust over time.
Contemplate using a plastic child's splash pool as large cage for your guinea pig, or use the plastic pool as an exercise area. Be aware that some guinea pigs can get out of these cages if the sides of the pool aren't high enough.
Consider building your own cage using hardwoods and plastics for a cage that fits into your house and is well-suited to your guinea pig.
Buy your guinea pig's cage either from a pet store, or from an Internet source that specializes in guinea pig cages. If you get your guinea pig from a rescue organization, ask them what kind of cage they recommend.
How to Pick a Guinea Pig's Cage
Since your guinea pig will spend most of its time inside a cage, you should choose one that will provide maximum comfort. Follow these steps and set up the cage before bringing your pet home.